Our facilities
have everything you need to fast track your biology
Take a look at the equipment below

SYNTAX DNA printer
DNA Script enzymatic DNA printer for in-house oligo production
Access Platform
Automated SCARA platform for Echo 550 with plate handling for integrated workflows.
AJ platform
Automated platform with 2 AJ Felix liquid handlers, Liconic incubator, plate reader and Precise Flex for automated feedback culture in 20x96 well plates.
Rapid analysis of DNA and RNA samples for routine and NGS QC.
PE LabChip
HT analysis of RNA, DNA and protein samples
PIXL Colony Picker
Colony picker with fluorescence detection, picking 700 colonies per hour
Illumina sequencer for 4M PE 150 reads for amplicons, CRISPR QC and small genomes
Oxford Nanopore MinION long read sequencer
S3 Cell Sorter
BioRad S3 GFP/RFP cell sorter
Ambr250 modular bioreactor system
4x250ml bioreactor system with live OD and off-gas analysis system for cell line development
Automated HPLC purification system for proteins and nucleic acids.
Agilent LC-MS
LC-MS system for highly sensitive proteomics and metabolomics studies
Nikon Ts2
Nikon Ts2 Cell culture microscope with GFP/RFP fluorescence and Camera
Innova Incubators
Heating Shaker systems for cell culture
Echo 525 and 550
Super HT acoustic liquid handlers transferring in 2.5 and 25nl steps for drug screen, automated cloning, cell-free systems, enzymatic assays.
Biomek i7
Liquid handler with 96 and 8 channel pipetting heads and 2 grippers fully integrated with Echo, Clariostar and Liconic incubator
Multiple BMG Clariostar plate readers
Fragment Analyzer
HT gelelectrophoresis system for 3x96 well plates for DNA and RNA analysis and NGS QC.
AJ qTower
6 channel 384 well gradient qPCR systeme systems, enzymatic assays.
PIXUL Sonicator
96 well plate sonication device for cell lysis and NGS sample prep
PacBio Sequel 2E
PacBio long read sequencer for 8M long HIFI reads for large amplicons, 16S and whole genomes sequencing
BD Fortessa
Flow Cytometer for single cell analysis with 3 lasers.
Applikon 2-7L bioreactor systems
3 Bioreactors for 2-7L scale for microbial, phototrophic and mammalian cell culture
AKTA start
Automated HPLC purification system for proteins and nucleic acids
Agilent HPLC
HPLC systems with fraction collector for high sensitivity analytics and purification
Nikon Ti-2 Twin-Cam-TIRF
Nikon Ti-2 PFS Widefield and single molecule microscope with 2xPrime 95B cameras, dual TIRF,3 laser and environmental chamber for high-content long-term life cell imaging and single molecule studies
Kuhner Incubators
Heating/Cooling incubator systems for cell culture
Sorvall Centrifuge
High-Speed centrifuge for up to 6L volumes